Home Resources and Guidelines

Films on Religion and Worldviews in the Contemporary World

Interested in starting a conversation about the place of religion/belief/worldview in the contemporary world? This collection of short films funded by Culham St Gabriel’s Trust, and featuring public figures from a variety of different faiths/beliefs, may be of interest.

Events Home News

Connecting Chaplains with the President and Vice-President of Methodist Conference

Chaplains of any denomination are welcome to join in this online celebration of chaplaincy hosted by the Methodist Church’s current President and V-P, on Tuesday 8 November, 7.30-8.30pm. You don’t need to be a Methodist to take part, although the event will have a Methodist flavour to it! For more details and booking, see this Eventbrite page.

Events Home News

Your Voice Webinar – Debating Resource for Students – 8 July 10-11.30

Come and hear about how the Your Voice programme could be used in your college, in a webinar organised with College chaplains and staff in mind.

When youth worker and former FE College chaplain Barry Mason asked local high schools in the Kidderminster Bewdley area how he might support their students, staff asked him how he might grow young people’s confidence in speaking in public and articulating their opinions confidently.  

In response, Barry developed Your Voice – a series of debates on a variety of hot contemporary topics, drawing on the material in the youth edition of the Good News Bible, but open to allow young people to form and express their own opinions. Over the past couple of years Barry has been trialling Your Voice with various groups of students, including at Worcester Sixth Form College alongside college chaplain Jo Oates.  

On 8 July 10am-11.30am you can find out more about using Your Voice in your college in a webinar featuring Barry Mason and FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts. For more details and to sign up, please contact fechaplaincy[at]

Events Home News

Introducing the first ever Further Education Sunday!

FE Sunday – being held for the first time ever on Sunday 15 May 2022 – is an opportunity to pray for your local college and for the Further Education sector, and to consider how your church could love and serve your local college. More details and resources will become available soon. Meanwhile, watch our region’s FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts introducing FE Sunday, here or above.


FE featured in Baptist Union Podcast

WM FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts was recently invited to take part in the BU’s regular podcast series ‘Joining the Dots’ – about the churches’ work with children, young people and families. The conversation was wide-ranging, but those particularly interested in FE specifically can start listening from approx. 13:30 into the recording. Nigel has been invited back for a second podcast to discuss the theology of chaplaincy – watch this space!

Events Home News

Book Now: Mentoring Training for Chaplains – 22 Oct

On 22 October Paul Wilcox of the Christian Coach and Mentor Network is leading an online Introduction to Mentoring training day. The aim of the day is to give chaplains a portfolio of tools and skills to help them in this important area. Filled with practical ideas borne out of more than 20 years’ experience in the field, Paul will help you develop confidence to offer a mentoring service in your context. A CPD certificate will be given at the end of the course along with a complimentary copy of the book Intentional Mentoring. For further information and to reserve your place contact Nigel Roberts, WM FE Chaplaincy Ambassador, at: