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WM FE Chaplains and Staff Gather

Last week it was great to meet with FE chaplains and college staff from across the region for a morning’s learning and sharing together in Birmingham.

The event, organised by FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts, included sharing the findings of recent research on chaplaincy (by Dr Sarah Holmes of iCYM); an introduction to the value of pastoral supervision for chaplains by Libby Leech; and ‘School/College Pastors’ by Bejoy Pal of the Ascension Trust.

We hope to make this an annual event, so if you didn’t make it this time, please contact us to sign up for further news!

Events Home News

The Opportunity and Challenge of Chaplaincy – an online opportunity for young Christians to find out more about opportunities to become involved in/train for chaplaincy.

Contributors include WM FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts – more details on the Churches Together in England website here.  (Photo: CTE)

Events Home News

West Midlands FE Chaplains Networking Event – 26 February 2025

We’re really excited to announce a networking event for FE and Sixth Form College chaplains on Wednesday 26th February 2025!

Open to anyone offering chaplaincy or chaplaincy-style support to a FE or Sixth Form College in the wider West Midlands region, whether you’re a new chaplain or more experienced, full time in your college or an occasional visitor.

  • Plenty of time for networking
  • Short inputs from a range of experienced contributors
  • Food and drink included

More details to follow shortly.  Contact Nigel Roberts to register your interest.

Icon: people networking by Icon Sea from the Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Home Resources and Guidelines

The Chaplaincy Chain – Podcast

If you work in chaplaincy, you’ll be interested to know of a new podcast exploring all things chaplaincy, courtesy of the Free Churches Group – click here for the first episode!

[podcast icon credit: podcast icon by HRF07 from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)]

Events Home News

Connecting Chaplains with the President and Vice-President of Methodist Conference

Chaplains of any denomination are welcome to join in this online celebration of chaplaincy hosted by the Methodist Church’s current President and V-P, on Tuesday 8 November, 7.30-8.30pm. You don’t need to be a Methodist to take part, although the event will have a Methodist flavour to it! For more details and booking, see this Eventbrite page.

Events Home News

Your Voice Webinar – Debating Resource for Students – 8 July 10-11.30

Come and hear about how the Your Voice programme could be used in your college, in a webinar organised with College chaplains and staff in mind.

When youth worker and former FE College chaplain Barry Mason asked local high schools in the Kidderminster Bewdley area how he might support their students, staff asked him how he might grow young people’s confidence in speaking in public and articulating their opinions confidently.  

In response, Barry developed Your Voice – a series of debates on a variety of hot contemporary topics, drawing on the material in the youth edition of the Good News Bible, but open to allow young people to form and express their own opinions. Over the past couple of years Barry has been trialling Your Voice with various groups of students, including at Worcester Sixth Form College alongside college chaplain Jo Oates.  

On 8 July 10am-11.30am you can find out more about using Your Voice in your college in a webinar featuring Barry Mason and FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts. For more details and to sign up, please contact fechaplaincy[at]

Events Home News

12 September – Annual Commissioning Service for Chaplains in Schools and Colleges

You are warmly invited to join the Centre for Chaplaincy in Education for their Annual Online Commissioning Service for Chaplains in Schools and Colleges.

This event celebrates and recognises the enormous contribution made by chaplains within their school and college communities and seeks to affirm and encourage them as they begin a new academic year.

Join together with leading church dignitaries from all denominations including;  the Bishop of Durham, Rev Paul Butler, the Bishop of Shrewsbury, Rev Mark Davies, the Vice President of Methodist Conference, Mrs Barbara Easton and the Free Churches Moderator, Rev Hugh Osgood – as well as headteachers, Diocesan Directors of Education, and school pupils from across the UK, to celebrate chaplaincy in education. Together we shall commit ourselves to serve God and the communities to which God has called us.
This is a family service and all are welcome.

Please reserve a

Home News Resources and Guidelines

Chaplaincy, Wellbeing and Faith Webinar

Recently 175 people participated in the webinar Chaplaincy, Wellbeing and Faith, with speakers including Dr Justin Varney, Director of Public Health for Birmingham, and Carol Wilson, Head of Spiritual Care for Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust.  You can watch the webinar here.  Thanks to Paul Chesterman and David Butterworth of Birmingham Methodist District’s Mission in the Economy team, for sharing this.  Their latest newsletter also includes a piece from WM FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Phil Metcalf.  Sign up for this newsletter by emailing paul.chesterman[at]