Festive have produced a new podcast – Beautiful Feet – specially for Christian sixth form/college students. Have a listen here!

Festive have produced a new podcast – Beautiful Feet – specially for Christian sixth form/college students. Have a listen here!
Wednesday 1 July 2020, 10.00-11.30 on Zoom.
Book now for this FREE virtual workshop for FE and 6th Form chaplains on supporting your college after lockdown.
Register here (advance booking helpful, so that we know how many to expect). This workshop has been planned by members of WMCFEC, Centre for Chaplaincy in Education, Festive and Chaplaincy Central.
Our friends at Festive (who support and resource Christians students aged 16-19 in FE and sixth forms) have a new newsletter out for November, featuring updates, news of Festive volunteers and college CUs, and an interview with the WM’s very own FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Phil Metcalf. To sign up to receive Festive News for yourself, visit their ‘about us’ page and click on the newsletter sign up link at the bottom of the page.
The Trustees of Festive (www.festive.org.uk) are currently seeking a Director (4 days pw) to work as part of the local and national church in support of faith provision within post-16 education. Closing date 22 February 2016. Click here for further details: Festive Director Advert
Hurry to book for this FREE event, including updates on latest projects & resources for SMSC, chaplaincy and faith in FE. Contributors include Riaz Ravat (St Philip’s Centre, Leicester) and Toni Coulton (Festive). Venue: Burton & South Derbyshire College (Lichfield St, Burton-on-Trent, DE14 3RL), 12:00-15.45 inc lunch. Contact Jennifer Roberts (info@fbfe.org.uk).