Home News

WM FE Chaplains and Staff Gather

Last week it was great to meet with FE chaplains and college staff from across the region for a morning’s learning and sharing together in Birmingham.

The event, organised by FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts, included sharing the findings of recent research on chaplaincy (by Dr Sarah Holmes of iCYM); an introduction to the value of pastoral supervision for chaplains by Libby Leech; and ‘School/College Pastors’ by Bejoy Pal of the Ascension Trust.

We hope to make this an annual event, so if you didn’t make it this time, please contact us to sign up for further news!

Events Home News

West Midlands FE Chaplains Networking Event – 26 February 2025

We’re really excited to announce a networking event for FE and Sixth Form College chaplains on Wednesday 26th February 2025!

Open to anyone offering chaplaincy or chaplaincy-style support to a FE or Sixth Form College in the wider West Midlands region, whether you’re a new chaplain or more experienced, full time in your college or an occasional visitor.

  • Plenty of time for networking
  • Short inputs from a range of experienced contributors
  • Food and drink included

More details to follow shortly.  Contact Nigel Roberts to register your interest.

Icon: people networking by Icon Sea from the Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Home News Resources and Guidelines

Reflecting on Chaplaincy video shorts

Reflecting on Chaplaincy is a new series of short videos started by FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts, to encourage and inspire those engaged in chaplaincy in FE. You can find the full playlist on WMCFEC’s YouTube channel.

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Latest E-News from WMCFEC

Our latest e-bulletin is published here. Check out news on FE Sunday 15 May, new training for young people in dialogue skills, and much more!

Events Home News

Introducing the first ever Further Education Sunday!

FE Sunday – being held for the first time ever on Sunday 15 May 2022 – is an opportunity to pray for your local college and for the Further Education sector, and to consider how your church could love and serve your local college. More details and resources will become available soon. Meanwhile, watch our region’s FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts introducing FE Sunday, here or above.


FE featured in Baptist Union Podcast

WM FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts was recently invited to take part in the BU’s regular podcast series ‘Joining the Dots’ – about the churches’ work with children, young people and families. The conversation was wide-ranging, but those particularly interested in FE specifically can start listening from approx. 13:30 into the recording. Nigel has been invited back for a second podcast to discuss the theology of chaplaincy – watch this space!

Events Home News

Book Now: Mentoring Training for Chaplains – 22 Oct

On 22 October Paul Wilcox of the Christian Coach and Mentor Network is leading an online Introduction to Mentoring training day. The aim of the day is to give chaplains a portfolio of tools and skills to help them in this important area. Filled with practical ideas borne out of more than 20 years’ experience in the field, Paul will help you develop confidence to offer a mentoring service in your context. A CPD certificate will be given at the end of the course along with a complimentary copy of the book Intentional Mentoring. For further information and to reserve your place contact Nigel Roberts, WM FE Chaplaincy Ambassador, at:

Events Home News

FE chaplains wanted to take part in exciting Renew Well-Being Pilot!

In responding to the needs expressed by colleges we are looking to partner with Renew Wellbeing and offer an introduction to their approach to wellbeing that has been so successful in churches and is now being extended to young people in a range of settings and in particular FE.

Renew Wellbeing helps churches open spaces of welcome and inclusion in partnership with mental health teams to improve mental and emotional wellbeing. This successful outreach is now being extended to include young people in schools and colleges and their families.

Please contact Nigel Roberts (fechaplaincy[at] to register your interest. An introductory session is set for 25 August, 10am, with full training to follow for those wishing to pursue the project further.

Home News

Going Further: Report on WM Conference for FE Chaplains

Going Further: Report on WM Conference for FE Chaplains

Eighteen current and aspiring chaplains and colleagues from the region gathered in Birmingham on 15 May for a day of stimulating input, networking and sharing good practice – the largest gathering of FE chaplains in the region for some years!

The Church of England’s national FE and HE Advisor Revd Garry Neave surveyed the contemporary landscape of FE chaplaincy: colleges were facing tough challenges but being adaptable and resilient in the midst of them.

He sketched out a vision for contemporary chaplaincy as invitational and ambassadorial, with chaplains as representatives ‘of the best of those who sent you’ and interpreters of the language of faith in a college context, and of the further education sector to the churches.

Professor Trevor Cooling (Chair of the RE Council) helped us explore how spiritual development may appropriately take place within often-secular settings, outlining an approach centred on people rather than issues, character as well as skills, and on allowing respectful exploration of difference rather than seeking to deny diversity or relegate it to the private sphere.

In the afternoon chaplains got together into local clusters to network and share the highs and lows of chaplaincy.  We’re hoping that these local clusters might continue and grow so that they provide a support network for FE chaplains on a more sustainable basis.  If you’d like to be part of a local cluster, contact Phil Metcalf for more details.

Delegates gathered again at the end of the day to hear stories of chaplaincy and good practice.  Revd Mike Mills (coordinator of the new chaplaincy team at South Staffordshire College) shared a good news story about some recent chaplaincy work; Revd Canon Hazel Charlton (part-time chaplain at Halesowen College) told the story of setting up an Animal Cafe at the college; Revd Steve Blyth (North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College) related the chaplaincy’s involvement in assembling food hampers for students in need, and the annual Christmas Day brunch.

It was a great day, generously supported by the Westhill Endowment and St Peter’s Saltley Trust.  But we hope it won’t be the last.  Keep an eye on this bulletin and WMCFEC’s events page for details of future training opportunities.