Events Home News

Chaplaincy: A Business Eye View

Bournville College is one of several FE colleges in the WM to start chaplaincy provision in recent years.  On 11 May, Shelley Phelan, Bournville College’s E & D Manager, shares how her organisation values chaplaincy, at the Churches & Industry Group Birmingham’s annual meeting (Hall 7, ICC, 6.45-8pm).  All welcome – RVSP to

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Effectiveness of Chaplaincy – new report by Theos

A Very Modern Ministry is the new report by think-tank Theos on the nature and impact of chaplaincy.  Author Ben Ryan discusses FE too, noting how further education chaplains do much more than simply pastoral work with students.  A number sit on equality and diversity committees, advise college managers on how to handle faith-related issues, and help negotiate where difficulties arise.  Some also provide staff training on matters of religion and belief.  Read the full report online at:

Events Home News

Handling Faith Based Discussions and Disputes in your College

Huge thanks to participants and contributors who made yesterday’s workshop such a success, and also to North Warwickshire and Hinckley College for hosting us so well.  We’ll post a short-write up of the event on our ‘For Colleges‘ page in due course.  Meanwhile, remember your conflict style ‘animal’ and come down from the mountain tops!  (Intrigued?  Ask us!)

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OU Report on Religion, Security and Global Uncertainty Emphasises Need for Faith Literacy

A new report exploring the relationship between religion and security emphasises the need for faith literacy, an ethic of inclusivity and consultation with communities, as a precursor to sound policy.  Written by Prof John Wolffe and Dr Gavin Moorhead of the Open University, the report also cautions against generalising about the effects that religious (and indeed secular) ideas or movements may have, and notes that ‘religious leaders are potentially effective agents for overcoming community tensions’ (p. 3).  The report can be read in full at:

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Chaplaincy Central is live!

Chaplaincy Central is a new network and resource hub for those involved in chaplaincy in schools and colleges, developed by the School Chaplains and Leaders Association (SCALA).  Check out their website, now live, and register to be able to access ideas, resources and best practice.

Events Home News

Training Event: Handling Difficult Faith-Related Disputes in College

Book Now for 10 March 2015 in your diary for the third of WM Churches’ FE Council’s ‘faith literacy’ training events – this time focused on developing skills in dealing with difficult faith-based discussions and disputes (booking form here: Handling Faith Based Discussions in your College – booking form).  Contributors include Sandra Cobbin (Clarity Development), The Feast, and Peacemakers

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New Report on C of E’s Involvement in Chaplaincy

If you offer chaplaincy within a further education college you might be interested to read the recently published report The Church of England’s Involvement in Chaplaincy, produced by the Cardiff Centre for Chaplaincy Studies (CCCS) and the Oxford Centre for Ecclesiology and Practical Theology (OxCEPT).  What do you think of the report’s conclusions?

Events Home News

West Midlands Faith and FE Forum – 10 June 2014

It’s only a month until the next WM Colleges’ Faith and FE Forum, brought to you by fbfe and WMCFEC. It’s taking place at Walsall College on Tuesday 10 June, 12-3.30. For more info as it becomes available, and to book your place (it’s free!) contact

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Schools with Soul… Colleges with Soul?

New RSA report ‘Schools with Soul’ report challenges educational providers to take a new approach to Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development. Free download from the RSA website here. What do you think of the report’s findings?

The report’s writers note that SMSC is becoming marginalised in all but the most confident schools, that it suffers from a ‘scattergun’ approach wherein ‘everything and nothing’ counts as SMSC, and that there is a particular lack of understanding of what the ‘Spiritual’ in SMSC might mean. There’s a particular encouragement for education providers to sustain SMSC provision throughout the teenage years, These conclusions chime with research conducted by Andy Haynes into a sample of FE colleges’ understandings of SMSC in 2011 (see our ‘Resources‘ page).

The report contains nine ‘design principles’ for strengthening SMSC and nine key recommendations. What do you think of these? If they challenge you on the provision of SMSC in your college, WM Churches’ FE Council can help you develop this. Get in touch for a conversation.

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Voices of Faith and Belief in Schools – New NATRE Code of Conduct

When external faith groups are invited into schools and colleges to work with students, we know that this needs doing sensitively and with respect. NATRE (National Association of Teachers of RE) have just published new guidelines for schools and visiting groups here. How might these relate to further education?