Chaplaincy Central,who resource and support educational chaplaincy in schools and colleges, are seeking a development worker for 15 months, starting 1st May 2017. Interested? Click here for further details.

Chaplaincy Central,who resource and support educational chaplaincy in schools and colleges, are seeking a development worker for 15 months, starting 1st May 2017. Interested? Click here for further details.
We’ve been hard at work developing ideas for a suite of new interactive, flexible-format resources for 16-19s in college, exploring different aspects of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC). With the help of talented local resource writer Simeon Whiting, we have a prototype resource on ‘Cultivating Identity, Inclusion and Belonging’ which is ready for trialling in college. We’d love to hear from any colleges or chaplains who’d like to help us do this.
This week we also had good news that the St Christopher’s Educational Trust have made us a generous grant to help us complete a set of 6-8 resources on different topics, together with previous grants received from St Peter’s Saltley Trust, the Jerusalem Trust and the Friends Hall Farm Street Trust. Watch this space for more details!
Picture: Still from ‘The New Lad’, part of our new SMSC resource on ‘cultivating identity, inclusion and belonging’, by Simeon Whiting.
The 2016 BBC Reith Lectures by Prof. Kwame Anthony Appiah are a gold mine for anyone wanting to develop their religious literacy or find raw material for discussion on SMSC. The first three are on ‘creed’, ‘colour’ and ‘country’, exploring religion, ethnicity and nationhood.
From a sociology of religion perspective there is much to debate, as you’ll hear from the discussion following the lecture in each of the podcasts. But there are some important insights. The first lecture in the series (‘Creed’) explores how religious traditions and movements are as much about ‘practices’ (i.e., how they actually live) as ‘beliefs’ (statements of faith). That’s an important insight into understanding how things work in the religious sphere, and indeed for any body of belief or practice.
For more see the BBC Reith Lectures website.
Engage to Impact is a conference for FE chaplains, those thinking about chaplaincy in further education, and FE college staff in related roles (e.g., those working in student services). It takes place in Bristol on 13th October 2016, 9.15-3.30pm. For more details and booking contact Samuel Williams:
Cliff College in Derbyshire is running a summer school on new forms of chaplaincy 1-5 August 2016. Those participating can be lay or ordained, full or part time chaplains. There are different rates for residential and non-residential. If you’re interested, download this flyer for further details. Cliff College is affiliated to the Methodist Church, and the course is starting from a Christian point of view, but you don’t need to be a Methodist to participate.
Three Faiths Forum are currently establishing a base in the West Midlands. The charity offers a range of interfaith education workshops. Might one of these be valuable in your college? Read more on their website:
‘Inspirational Chaplaincy’ is a one-day conference organised by Chaplaincy Central, featuring the churches’ national adviser for FE Garry Neave, Festive, and Prayer Spaces in Schools. To book visit:
The Trustees of Festive ( are currently seeking a Director (4 days pw) to work as part of the local and national church in support of faith provision within post-16 education. Closing date 22 February 2016. Click here for further details: Festive Director Advert
If you’re interested in how Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development can be integrated into teaching and learning in vocational courses, take a look at the following video and report of a partnership project between Leicester College, the St Philip’s Centre and fbfe, with support from the SFA and NIACE, in 2013-14.
Congratulations to Birmingham Metropolitan College on a very creative & successful ‘Culture & Faith Summit’ today. A few of us from WMFEC who helped plan/contribute joined hundreds of students & college staff in debates, food-tasting, creating music & artwork, spoken word poetry, fashion & a faith marketplace. Well done to all who participated!